“Oh, the Humanity!”

That was the cry of Herbert Morrison radio announcer covering the landing of the Hindenburg zeppelin (think of the Goodyear blimp) on May 6, 1937, as it burst into flames over Lakehurst, New Jersey, with 97 people on board.

As I write this blog 203,670 (almost 2100 times the Hindenburg) human beings have died worldwide because of this Covid-19 virus. The US deaths alone number 54,024 (557 times 97).

Oh, the humanity!


Care About Your Neighbors

This is a time unlike any other that most of us have ever known.

One of Social Distancing, immediate soaring numbers of unemployed, the astronomical number of over a half million Americans infected by a highly contagious virus, an unimaginable number of Americans who have died because of that virus. Most of the country is in home lock down or safe at home orders.

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