
Wayne J. Barlow

WANM-wayne-barlow-bwIn 2000 I wrote the words to my first gospel song. I was as far from God as I thought I could be. I had sunk as low as I could but still God gave me that song!For 3 years I tried to put that song to music and failed, until one night as I tried again I sat and talked to God remembering the joyful times I had after giving my heart to Jesus. As I recalled that night and the little church I wrote down the memories. Immediately the music came for the first song “Follow Jesus” and God now wants me to share my journey in His music.

In 1999 I met my lovely wife at the peak of my low but her love and faith in me started my long road back. She never once preached or forced me to go to church, but over time I went to listen to her sing in the choir. I made sure I arrived just in time to get a back pew next to an exit so I could be the last in and first out. My reasoning was if you don’t know me you can’t know about me. This went on for a long time as guilt, shame and unworthiness plagued me.

To paraphrase Andrew Wommack, I haven’t arrived but I have left the station! Praise God!

Over the years God has blessed me with songs of hope, encouragement, and truth. I believe God sent those songs for all the other rear pew riders of the church who don’t feel worthy. The mission of this ministry is to help others through His music bringing them back to the Joy of the Lord.

May each song give you a blessing even greater than mine was when God gave the song to me.

Mary E Barlow

WANM-mary-balow-bwMary is a Tampa, FL native but spent 20 years moving around the Northeast and New England with her family before coming home alone in 1994.

That year could have been easier. She lost a company after fighting a bad economy for three years. She made a bad partnership in an attempt to save the company for the employees and her family’s future. She lost her marriage. The biggest loss of all was that of her oldest son in an auto accident. She returned home with two suitcases and two trunks filled with pictures and memories.

God has always been there for her and she trusted Him through everything. She didn’t always make the right decisions for her life but she knew that when times were rough God was there for strength, comfort and He made a way. God provided money for food to feed her children when she had none. He brought opportunities for jobs which stretched her abilities, but through study and courage she continued to move up in skills and income. Today she holds a position where she continues to learn new and wonderful technologies. This position came from the job she took after moving back home in 1994. God truly works in mysterious ways, when things are dark He provides a way into the Light. Praise God!

In 1999 God brought Wayne and Mary together. Wayne was from Maine and Mary had moved home from New Hampshire but they met in Florida. See what we mean about His ways? Wayne was going through some rough times but was totally honest with her from the beginning. Mary had done things she wasn’t proud of over the years and understood that people make mistakes. What matters is where they are today and even though Wayne wasn’t going to church, he believed in Jesus and knew the Bible. He just didn’t accept the forgiveness and hadn’t forgiven himself. He has found the acceptance and forgiveness in the grace of God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Praise God!

God continues to bless them both and they want to share His love and peace with all they meet. Life is a joy when you surrender all to God and we hope to show that to others with this ministry.