Care About Your Neighbors

This is a time unlike any other that most of us have ever known.

One of Social Distancing, immediate soaring numbers of unemployed, the astronomical number of over a half million Americans infected by a highly contagious virus, an unimaginable number of Americans who have died because of that virus. Most of the country is in home lock down or safe at home orders.

Yet there are thousands if not millions of Americans helping others.

We hear of clever individuals finding new and inventive ways of celebrating birthdays of love ones, making signs to let those who are working to keep us fed and supplied with what we need, that we are grateful. Thanking the hometown heroes and heroines, doctors, nurses, postal workers, grocery store employees, firemen and women, EMT’s and those making the products, or growing the food we need, maybe not all we want but what we need. Many of them putting their bodies at risk of infection with the virus to help us. Individuals and companies pulling together to create the needed product for others, products they have never done before but had the courage to try and figure it out and figure it out they did! Thank you for your ingenuity and tenacity.

We see on the news where total strangers are buying meals for people, so many are donating goods and money to help others. Inventive people are finings ways to make others laugh, often making themselves look crazy in the process.

Who are these caring people?

These are your neighbors, relatives, friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. Everyday Americans willing to do what they can to help others in any way possible, with their physical needs or with their emotional needs.

For years Wayne and I have been able to walk into an assisted living or healthcare facility to entertain those the staff have brought into the room set up for activities. This year the last time we saw all of our friends in those facilities was the first week in March. We miss them so very much and know they miss their loved one’s visits and maybe even us.

How can those of us on lock down or stay safe at home orders make the daily life of those alone, missing companionship of loved ones, better?

Americans are responding in love for their neighbors near and far. Bless you who are bringing joy in any way you can. It doesn’t take a special talent, in fact sometimes no talent can bring more laughter and joy. The point is you are doing something for someone in a worse position than you.

There are lots of easy things that can be done from anywhere. Teachers have helped children make cards for those confined to their rooms, which are their homes, because nursing homes too are social distancing. Strangers have been mailing cards to facilities that have requested help on social media. The cards cheer up those who don’t always understand what is happening or why no one comes to see them any more.

Wayne and I thank you for stepping out for others and doing what you can no matter how simple or crazy it seems. We are all neighbors in this unusual time.

Here are some ways you can help the elderly:

  • Look up nursing homes or assisted living facilities in your area.
  • Contact the Activity department an ask for suggestions, they know what is best for the residents and usually those that need uplifting the most.
  • Purchase or make some inexpensive cards or hand drawn pictures or even coloring book pictures, easy or fancy they will appreciate them.
  • Tell them that you wanted to say hello to let them know you are thinking of them.
  • Ask the Activity department how you can get these items to the residents and staff. Activity departments are the ones who would distribute anything like that to the residents. You might have to meet them at the door with the sanitized bag with your gifts inside.

First Responders – Doctors or nurses

  • Pick up some pastries from the grocery store in sealed containers and deliver them to your local fire station, police station, sheriff’s office, or Emergency room facility. You can put a Thank You card on the goodies to let them know you appreciate what they are doing.
  • You might be able to have several pizzas delivered for the staff in any of these facilities.

If you can’t do any of the above suggestions or something you feel comfortable doing. Then pray for them. Prayer is a mighty tool available to you all the time, the Lord is faithful.

Please keep all of these people, First Responders, Doctors, Nurses, Residents, Patients, and Staff of all companies which are supplying your needs in your prayers for protection, healing, and safety.

Every one of us is a child of God. He loves you, so much, that He gave His only Son to die for the sin of the whole world so that we might have access, relationship, to the Father through faith in His Son.

Let’s show His love to our neighbors in this time of need and comfort.

God’s blessings on each and every one of you. May your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs be met during these times. May you become more aware of God’s love for you, while showing your love to others. You are loved, an amazing child of God. Amen

30 and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

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